ESG & ESRG (Environmental, Social and Religious Governance)
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) &
Environmental, Social and Religious
Governance Investing Portfolios (ESRG)
Environmental, Social and Religious
Governance Investing Portfolios (ESRG)

Make a Difference!
In the belief that investments can have a direct impact on our Society, EB Financial Planning makes available two options. Choose from either (ESG) Environmental Social Governance or (ESRG) Environmental, Social and Religious Governance Investing Portfolios. EB Financial Planning will employ its best efforts to assure that these portfolios are constructed from securities that endeavor to promote: the creation of jobs, products that are useful to society, beneficial scientific research, and the overall relief of human misery.
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Portfolio:
EB Financial Planning will use its best efforts to screen for Companies that are behaving as good stewards of the environment, animal rights, consumer protections and non-obstructers of civil rights.
Environmental, Social and Religious Governance
(ESRG) Investing Portfolio:
EB Financial Planning will use its best efforts to employ a generally ethical and religiously based screening process. ESRG compliant companies will be utilized in this portfolio. In addition, companies that primarily facilitate or manufacture tobacco products, pornography, alcohol, abortions, gambling, and implements of war will be omitted to create this portfolio.
Additional Risks Associated with the ESG and ESRG Investing Portfolios:
In addition to the general investment risks outline in our ADV II & Schedule H Brochure, there may be additional inherited risks pertaining to ESG & ESRG Investing Portfolios such as:
*Portfolios may be more susceptible to underperformance during times of war, high oil prices and high commodity prices (due to the possible omission of such companies).
* Portfolios returns may suffer due to the inherent lack of investment choices. This may result in higher valuations due to an “overcrowded” trade. This may also create greater downside volatility should holders of such possibly “overcrowded” positions attempt to sell at this same time. Therefore, criteria for security selection may tilt more towards a growth approach rather than value.