Deacon Mission (Pro Bono)

Deacon Mission (Pro Bono) Services

The Dutch Reformed Church of Schraalenburgh
Organized circa 1724. Building built in 1801.
As a Deacon Mission, any household with less than $5,000 in combined assets will not be charged Retirement Financial Planning or Investment Advisory Fees.


Ralph Condis, a Deacon of Humanity, has served many years as a Member of the Reformed Church in America's Board of Benefits, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Board & (International) Investment Committee. Deacon Ralph Condis endeavors to assist those
that may be in need of Financial Advice, but do not have
the means to afford such services.


*Houses of Worship will receive reduced
Investment Advisory fees when EB
Financial Planning Investment
Advisory Services manages
your Investments


Please click on the Inquiry/Contact us link to see
if you qualify for Pro Bono Services.